I think a lot of us are facing the same dilemma each night, after months of cooking for ourselves during the pandemic. Oh, we defiantly have our preferred old standbys; the quick pasta recipes, the healthier proteins with green salads…
Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Jicama
In the same way that fans get excited over a new movie, or for the premiere of a beloved TV drama (Game of Thrones, anyone?), I get excited for a new farm-share season. I’m a food geek like that. Opening…
Fajita Spice Marinade
I have literally been tweaking this marinade for years. A bit more heat; a dash more salt…maybe a splash of citrus? I finally stumbled on the finished product several years ago, during a family reunion. That beautiful summer evening,…
Simplest Roast Chicken
If there is any dish that is worth presenting to your family, it must be the whole roast chicken. Succulent. Rich. Impressive looking. Shockingly easy to make. No, really! I spent most of my cooking life shying away from attempting to…
Fran’s Real Chicken Soup
So, I’ve been sick. Really really sick. So sick, that I literally couldn’t get out of bed. This never happens. I always try to “soldier through”, but this… nope. Full alert! Mama is down! I repeat, Mama is down! …
Cheater’s Chicken Soup
Everyone loves a good steaming bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup. Simmering for hours until that mix of carrots, celery, onions, and chicken creates a delicious, golden broth. Visions of your grandmother slaving away her afternoon, babysitting this delectable liquid…….