I would say I’m pretty much a pie traditionalist. I love slicing into a creamy, custardy, pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving. I relish taking that first juicy bite of homemade apple pie (with fresh orchard picked apples) every season. I even…
Search Results for: whipped cream
Carrot & Raisin Spice Cookies
In our house we eat pretty much anything. Meat & potatoes, check. Mediterranean foods full of fresh vegetables, olive oil, cheese and bread – oh yes. Rich Indian vegetarian curries and Saag – get on our plates. Among all of…
Julia Child’s Chocolate Mousse
Today was one of those very long Sundays that made me feel like breaking out a cookbook and browsing for ideas. As I scanned the shelf, I saw old standbys like ‘The Joy of Cooking’, a dog-eared copy of the…
Inaugural Food Post about What Else? Take Out…..
The Why and the How for Learning to Cook Together I know I should begin the blog with a stellar description of the impressive dinner that I just slaved away on for the better part of the day, while my…
Cranberry Aperol Spritz: The Most Delicious Cranberry Cocktail Recipe
Let’s Make Holiday Entertaining Easy with a Cranberry Aperol Spritz! One of my personal mottos is ‘there is never a bad time for Champagne!’, but I would argue it’s the same for Prosecco! Whether we are popping a cork to…
Sesame Cheesecake with Plum Coulis
Do you believe in serendipity? True ‘eureka!’ moments? Sometimes an accidental kitchen ‘aha!’ can lead to delicious results. This Toasted Sesame Cheesecake with Plum Coulis is the product of a chance flavor combination that turned into one of the best…